The unique properties of FLAMEBAR BW11 has enabled us to design a low density, highly durable material which accommodates induced stress arising from extreme and varying conditions eg Climatic Moisture and Structural Loading Variations and the effect of thermal shock during a fire.
The completed system has been tested accredited by BRE to BS 476 Part 24 (1987) and also classified by UL to ISO 6944 (1985) up to a temperature of 1133°C.
System Advantages
The FLAMEBAR BW11 System offers the following advantages:
The system is tested for up to 4 hours for Stability, Integrity and Insulation in accordance with BS 476 part24 and ISO 6944 for both type A and B fires.
Fire Outside -Duct Type A
Fire inside -Duct Type B
As well as being used for Fire Rated Smoke Extract, Kitchen Exhaust and Pressurisation Systems, the FLAMEBAR BW11 system can also be used instead of drywall fire rated shafts. By eliminating drywall shafts, floor space is maximised and as FLAMEBAR BW11 is both water and mould resistant, the Fire Rated Shaft can be constructed before the building is completely watertight, thereby reducing construction time and greatly reducing the need for additional site inspections,
The FLAMEBAR BWII ducts arrive on site as finished sections ready for installation.
As the FIAMEBAR BW1l system can be based upon DW144 or SMACNA ductwork construction standards the fire duct sections can be constructed using the TDF or slide-on flange system, Jointed together incorporating the FLAMEBAR Intumescent Gasket, the installation can be carried out by competent duct erectors.
Plant items such as in-line fans and silencers, subject to casing thickness and suitable construction, can be sprayed with FLAMEBAR BW11 and thereby rated as part of the certified system eliminating the need for special enclosures.
The FLAMEBAR BW1l system is the lightest weight certified system on the market. Therefore as well as the load on the structure being eased, handling and site erection are made easier.
Flexibility In Design
FLAMEBAR BW11 offers complete flexibility in design – rectangular, flat oval and circular ducts are available.
The construction of the initial galvanised sheet steel duct means that all FLAMEBAR BW11 fire ducts have normal standards of air tightness and are therefore easily capable of being successfully pressure tested.
Extract From Typical Construction Standard – Up To 2 Hours Stability, Integrity & Insulation
A series of Construction Standards are produced that directly relate to the requirements of each individual project. These Standards represent varying periods of fire resistance, ductwork profile and operational requirement of the duct system (i.e. smoke extract, ventilation duct or kitchen extract).
FLAMEBAR Solution when Lower Fire Insulation Temperature Required
All FLAMEBAR BW11 Fire Ducting has been fully tested to BS 476 Part 24 (1987) and ISO 6944 (1985) for Stability and Integrity and Insulation up to 4 hours. However, where lower Fire Insulation temperatures are required due to ducting temperature being rated the same as the smoke extract fan or a fire engineering consultant having determined a fire engineering solution.
We are able to offer our FLAMEBAR BW11 product, either on its own or with the addition of various thicknesses of insulation depending upon the insulation fire rating required.
Smoke Extract Duct Test in Accordance with BS 7346 – Fire Inside Duct
Mean Furnace and Duct Surface Temperatures